708 Banner ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11235

Phone #: 347-276-7564, 347-492-6633

English Russian

Benefits of daycares for toddlers

The increase in the cost of living all over the world has forced most couples to work for their living. As a result of this the husband and the wife has to go out for earning money for sustenance. The child is left alone at the house of friends or relatives. However there are better options available now. You can keep your toddler at the daycare in your locality. This has a number of benefits that you may not be fully aware of.

Can mix with other toddlers
One of the biggest benefits of daycare is that you will be able to keep the child with other toddlers in the daycare. They will not feel alone as they may feel when you keep them in the house of your friends or relatives. They will be able to spend their time playing and learning things with fellow toddlers at the daycare. This will keep them engaged and they will have a great time. They will not miss the parents much.

Pickup facility provided
Another benefit of keeping the child at the daycare is that most daycares have pickup and dropping facilities. They take your child from your home at the appointed time and drop your child back home at the fixed time. This is helpful for most parents who are working. If you keep your toddler with a friend or relative, you will have to go to their place and bring back the child. In this case, this is not so. They will take the child and return the child back with full responsibility. This is the reason why people are keeping their children at the daycares now.

Learn new things
The toddlers learn many things at the daycare. The personnel engaged in the daycares are experienced in the handling of toddlers and they make them learn things. From playing with the other toddlers to making things with play mud, all are taught here. In this way they not only have a good time but also get to learn many things.

Good food served
The daycares see to the fact that the best food is been served to the toddlers. They mainly use the organic food for the consumption by the toddlers. This is helpful as the organic foods will be able to build in resistance in the body of the toddler and he will be able to resist the effects of bacterial and fungal infections.

Proper care taken
Another benefit is that the daycare personnel take proper care of the toddlers. The parents are asked to give a note on the routine of the toddler and the personnel follow that exact routine. This helps to maintain the good health of the child and there is no change in the routine also.
Therefore these are some of the benefits that you can get by sending your toddler to the daycare units when you are out for your jobs. They will be getting the best treatments and enjoy themselves to their fullest at the daycares.

Summer Day Camp Registration

  • Please call us to get more information about our Summer Day Camp: 347-276-7564.


  • My son is a preschool kid and goes to Marina’s Day Care Center after his school hours. He has been to 2 other day care centers before this and so far this one is the best.